April 11, 2009

GIMP-y guide to easy clip masking

So. Here is guide to doing clip masks the easy way in GIMP. I'd use Photoshop, but I don't exactly have a mastery of CS3. I'd rather focus on Flash. Can you spot the username I use on almost everything except that website about cars that bears my name and I had nothing to do with? I BET YOU CAN'T. There is another way, that uses masks and selections or something, and it is just too confusing for my simple mind to handle. So, you don't get that at all.

If anybody steals this tutorial, there shall be murder and a lot of angry emoticons.

(ll>:^[I]) (I think it's a burger...)

April 8, 2009


This piece of work right here was done at school during Multimedia class. We had to design a movie poster. Being the idiot I am, I accidentally overdid the design. The real work was to follow some lame tutorial and get an effect I already knew how to do. I completed it but I am not uploading it due to it being too simplistic. So you'll have to make do for now. The school computers, powerful as they are, have no quality fonts on them and this makes me :(. But this work was too sexy to throw away and thus, I kept it. Hopefully Blogger has some kind of preview tool or something...

April 4, 2009

In the beginning...

Greetings, and welcome to my blog. I thought I should get a blog at some point, and put my stuff on it. Yep. "HARRY," I hear you say. "Why would you do this? We don't think you should show off your sexiness in public like this! You might get arrested!". I don't care. My goal is to share my art with the world. And you can read on when I add another post. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.